Aron Yu

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” –Hebrews 11:1
I'm a Data Scientist in the Home Depot's Visual AI team. I recently defended my Ph.D. dissertation in computer vision under the supervision of Dr. Kristen Grauman. I received my B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Rice University.
I'm a Christian, a husband, a father, a former speedcuber, and a 3-time ToughMudder. I write reviews on Yelp and answer questions on Quora.
I've lived in China, Japan, and Singapore before coming to the States. I hope to travel around Europe some day.
Email (work): aron [underscore] yu [at] homedepot [dot] com
Email (academic): aron [dot] yu [at] utexas [dot] edu